Global Programs

2022-2023 MSLAO Seed Funds

2022-2023 MSLAO Seed Funds

MIT faculty and staff made use of their seed funds from last year to conduct research projects in Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, and Peru. The following six projects were awarded seed funds from the MSLAO for research starting in 2023:

  1. Professor: Leo Celi, MIT Institute for Medical Engineering & Science
    Project: Make Health Argentina
    Country: Argentina
  2. Professor: Ben Ross Schneider, MIT Political Science
    Project: REPAL (Red para el Estudio de la Economía Política de América Latina)
    Country: Ecuador
  3. Professor: Evelyn Wang, MIT Mechanical Engineering
    Project: High Efficiency and Low-Cost, Hydrogel-based Atmospheric Water Harvesting System
    Country: Chile
  4. Professor: Pedro Reynolds-Cuellar, MIT Media Lab
    Project: Innovation Diffusion in Rural Colombia: A Case Study
    Country: Colombia, Guatemala
  5. Professor: Siqi Zheng; Fabio Duarte, MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning
    Project: Transportation Shaping Sustainable Urbanization: teaching and research collaboration between MIT and Insper
    Country: Brazil
  6. Professor: John Sterman; Bethany Patten, MIT Sloan
    Project: MIT Climate Pathways Project
    Country: Brazil, Chile, Colombia